Not that I'm on a macrobiotic kick or anything, but I happened to try another cafe serving the "M" food: Seed Kitchen. Located just upon the main Venice Beach entrance, Seed Kitchen is based around the notion that the food we eat provides the beginnings of a vibrant, flourishing life - just like a seed does for a plant. With that being said, Seed Kitchen focuses on ecological sustainability: no microwaves, no non-stick pans, biodegradable packaging, etc. The simplicity of the place keeps the vibe very fresh and uplifting. I really enjoyed it!
My friend and I shared both the sandwich and the salad... The salad was great; the fried tempeh cubes do a lot for the flavor and texture of the chop-chop. The soysage panini is obviously a "sausage" substitute sandwich. I'm not going to say, "It tastes exactly like sausage guys!" because we all know it really doesn't... BUT it was a filling and satisfying panini keeping in mind that is of the "M" kind ;) Also, soy cheese isn't my favorite... but it's all good. To end on a good note, the pesto added just the right kick to the mix!

[Italian soysage, roasted red peppers, arugula, vegan soy cheese, pesto]
i have to try this m food.... which one first... november, we start. <3