This is another work lunch spot: Taqueria La Pinata. Sorry, no link for this taco stand, but hey - they deliver and the number is big enough to see in the pics!
Blake took me here a few weeks back and when Tim came into town, this was the place I wanted to go for his first lunch out. (I work with Tim and Blake if you're wondering...) #1, he loves tacos, and more importantly #2, he loves corn tortillas. And whaddayaknow, Monday around 1ish there we were.
The tacos are super cheap ($1.25), but they make you pay extra for cheese and guac. Either way, the tacos still end up being muy barato. The menu is quite ambitious for such a small street spot, so I don't know how spot-on everything is. I can tell you, though, that the tacos are yummy! In fact, I kinda want some right now...

Intersection of Highland x Santa Monica Ave.
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