While at work, I've gotten to try a few of the local one dollar sign ($) eating spots that my boss frequents. He has his favorite places picked out in the area and I'm always down to try whatever. Since our first online shop launched last Monday - wait for my plugs - it meant a late work night. We weren't really working per se, but rather waiting for the site to go "live" online. What makes waiting better? Food!
Blake mentioned that Roro's Chicken nearby had decent Lebanese cuisine, and suddenly we were all in for dinner. Basically, it's just a Hollywood strip mall eatery that serves rotisserie chicken, spit-roasted chicken and schwarma along with the whole deal on Mediterranean sides (hummus, dolmas, tabuleh, baba ghanouj, etc.) Hearty portions, quick service and affordable prices - not a bad combo for a late night dinner at work!

ah i love it!! :) yumyumyumyumyumyum