Quick reminder to self: Just last week I was organizing my new room in Manila, and here I am tonight just finishing up my new room in Malibu. Time *flies*. Anyways, while unpacking/packing in Manila, sandwiches did the job of fueling my body to keep on moving. The phrase, "Just one more box," turned into many more boxes being unpacked. The balance of carbs and protein in my yummy lunchy sandwiches allowed me to "keep on keepin' on."
One lunch I had was at Santis Deli in Rockwell. Originally just a Euro-Swiss type delicatessen, Santis decided to open up in-store cafes in a few of their outlets. This way the gourmet products could make their way onto customers' plates leaving them wanting to buy some for the kitchen at home. I feel like the Santis branches are strategically located to cater to the expatriate market - which would be their niche selling base. The deli offers cold cuts, cheeses, meats and a bunch of other bakery products, dry goods and beverages. Try the deli 'for-here' or buy for 'to-go!'

This is my favorite place!!!!